Lars Von Trier admits "We are all Nazis"

Lars Von Trier's infamous Hitler sympathy in Cannes is being scrutinised again as he recently attempted to re-explain the controversy at a public Q and A in Berlin. Speaking about the incident at the Cannes press conference, the director told the audience :

"I think history shows that we are all Nazis somewhere, and there are a lot of things that can be suddenly set free, and the mechanics behind this setting-free is something we really should really investigate."

Whether you like his viewpoints or not, the director has successfully captivated bloggers and journalists with his catchphrases and random, almost offensive commentary. It seems every time he opens his mouth, a one liner that could 'end his career' just misses the mark. Perhaps his 'Nazism' could be compared to Charlie Sheenisms, without the drug fuelled bi-polar personality. However, Hollywood does have a knack for bringing Nazis back to the screen. Just look at 'Valkyrie' starring Tom Cruise or 'The Inglorious Basterds' with Brad Pitt.

Despite Von Trier's comments, his latest movie 'Melancholia' will screen at the Toronto Film Festival this week but all 'ears' are on his words. Will critics lay into him or give the 'dictator' a breather?

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