This is the most popular short film of 2016

Independent filmmakers from Germany have produced an epic Star Wars fan film that has been watched more than 11 million times since it was released back in March.

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“Darth Maul: Apprentice - A Star Wars Fan Film” became a global sensation after it was released on Youtube in the spring by the German filmmakers who spent 2 years making the project.

Darth Maul as a character has not had considerable screen time in the franchise and the filmmakers (directors Shawn Bu, Vi-Dan Tran, cinematographers Vadim Schulz and Max Tsui) decided it was time to create a film dedicated to “the best lightsaber fights” that can be done.

Shot on the RED Dragon and Blackmagic 4K, the short is highly ambitious with impressive cinematography and stunts at a total of 17 minutes in length. It has recently been nominated at the “Goldene Kamera” in Germany, a highly respected annual film and TV awards ceremony.

The film has also been highlighted in numerous publications from Gizmodo to Entertainment Weekly cementing the project as one of the most viral fan films of the past several years.

Many indies struggle with the marketing of their shorts, and getting the word out. With filmmakers looking to get recognition for their work, fan films that are well produced and based on popular franchises can launch careers and attain international recognition.

“Darth Maul: Apprentice” gained traction not just in the news but also on social media, where according to Buzzsumo, the project was shared more than 300,000 times.

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