Film Distribution

Being a great filmmaker is meaningless in 2015 without these skills

No longer can filmmakers simply rely on talent and wait to be discovered in order to attain success in the…

November 22, 2015

VOD Theatrical releases : Are they viable?

Sony was the first major studio to officially launch a feature intended for a wide theatrical release via VOD.

January 11, 2015

Sony tells movie theater owners they can cancel screenings

Movie theater chains in the U.S. have a greenlight from Sony Pictures to cancel screenings for 'The Interview'.

December 17, 2014

8 gigantic problems in the film industry that have to be fixed

The film industry is a big family of creative people all working together to produce a unique story. However, there…

November 19, 2014

Future of the film industry depends on VOD values

If VOD is going to bankrupt film producers some difficult decisions need to be taken in the next 24 months…

November 6, 2014

AFM : Former NFL star Simeon Rice to make feature film debut

Simeon Rice is used to seeing his work on the big screen. In his former career as an NFL linebacker,…

November 4, 2014